CSR Programs
Since inception in 2018, purrpy has focused on solving pet travel ,inconveniences and reducing their suffering. Purrpy has partnered with Mexican rescues to help stray cats find suitable homes, as well as treat their illnesses.Giving back to the community was an important goal in the creation of purrpy

Helping cats Live better

Use the code to get a 5% off for purchasers
Purrpy will donate 10% of the order to the rescue organization upon completion of the purchase.

You know that?
60% of stray cats do not survive the winter......
The Purrpy team is working on the design of the TANK box. After receiving the box,they just have to cut it along the dotted line, the box becomes a perfect cat nest to help stray cats survive the winter. The box will be painted so it won't get wet in the rain or snow and will still be a cozy home ~